le 04-11-2011 15:12



Trying for losing
Falling and dying
...and reborn...
But staying torn

"One should strive to achieve, not sit in bitter regret" 


le 26-10-2011 22:58

This is Halloween

Joyeux Halloween 
Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night

This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright
It's our town, everybody scream
In this town of Halloween

I am the one hiding under your bed
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red

I am the one hiding under yours stairs
Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair

This is Halloween, this is Halloween

Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song

In this town, don't we love it now?
Everybody's waiting for the next surprise

Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can
Something's waiting no to pounce, and how you'll...

Scream! This is Halloween
Red 'n' black, slimy green

Aren't you scared?

Well, that's just fine
Say it once, say it twice
Take a chance and roll the dice
Ride with the moon in the dead of night

Everybody scream, everybody scream

In our town of Halloween!

I am the clown with the tear-away face
Here in a flash and gone without a trace

I am the "who" when you call, "Who's there?"
I am the wind blowing through your hair

I am the shadow on the moon at night
Filling your dreams to the brim with fright

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
Halloween! Halloween!

Tender lumplings everywhere
Life's no fun without a good scare

That's our job, but we're not mean
In our town of Halloween

In this town

Don't we love it now?

Everybody's waiting for the next surprise
Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back
And scream like a banshee
Make you jump out of your skin
This is Halloween, everybody scream
Wont' ya please make way for a very special guy

Our man jack is King of the Pumpkin patch
Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King, now!

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!

In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song

La la-la la, Halloween! Halloween! 


le 24-10-2011 17:19

Zombie man ~ Go Beyond The Cover



le 18-10-2011 18:13

VNV Nation ~ Gratitude

It is not love, if love is cold to touch.
It is not belief, when there's nothing there to trust.
Could not submit, would never bring myself to heel.
Determination grows, as each truth is revealed.

Torn and repaired, just to endure it all again.
Without a reason, for my place in all this pain.
Though well concealed, the scars they just compound.
Until there´s nothing left of what was once my former self.

My god, look at what we are now -
without regret for all the things that we have done.

Thank you for all the doubts, and for all the questioning,
for all the loneliness and for all the suffering.
For all the emptiness, and the scars it left inside.
it inspired in me, an impetus to fight.
For the conviction, for the purpose found along.
For the strength and courage, that in me I've never known.
And if it seems to you, that my words are undeserved,
I write this in gratitude for whatever good it serves.

Sometimes I wish, that you could see me now.
In the rightful place, where I knew that I belonged.
Sometimes I wish, that you might someday understand.
to close the chapter, and lay to rest the past.
But nothing would change, we make the best of what we have.
for we are measured by the actions of our lives.
we bide our time, let the future unfold.
Like immortals, in great legends to be told.

My god, look at what we are now -
without regret for all the things that we have done.

Thank you for all the doubts, and for all the questioning,
for all the loneliness and for all the suffering.
For all the emptiness, and the scars it left inside.
it inspired in me, an impetus to fight.

To all who stood with me, when we stood as one.
Thank you for guiding me, for bringing me home.
And if it seems that I'm obliged to say these words,
I write this in gratitude, the least that you deserve. 


le 18-10-2011 09:26

Letter Bee

Synospsis :
L’action se situe sur le territoire de l’Amberground, terre plongée dans l’obscurité, avec pour seule lumière un soleil artificiel brillant au dessus de la capitale. Dans ce monde, les Letter Bees sont chargés de distribuer le courrier. C’est un travail difficile, puisque les paquets contiennent un fragment du « cœur » de leur expéditeur, et que pour les livrer en l’état, il faut affronter les terres hostiles et les terribles insecte-armures.
Gauche Suede est un de ces Letter Bees. Un jour, il se retrouve devant une bien étrange lettre. En effet, ce qu’il doit livrer n’est rien d’autre qu’un petit garçon de 7 ans, Lag Seeing, à qui de mystérieux hommes viennent d’enlever sa mère. Durant le voyage vers la nouvelle destination de Lag, lui et Gauche se lieront d’amitié. Lag n’aura alors plus qu’un souhait : devenir un Letter Bee, tout comme Gauche. On retrouve ensuite Lag 5 ans plus tard...


le 15-10-2011 16:43

VNV Nation ~ From my hands

So much I've thought
I'd have to say
Though I try to speak
My meaning strays
We can't avoid
The facts that brought us here
I've come to say goodbye

The lies I try, to tell with my own eyes
An act of pride, a willful compromise
Please understand, how torn I am
When I walk away from here

I'll lament, the moments we once shared
If I am far too sentimental, I apologies
Please understand, this is who I am
And who I'll still be when I've walked away from here

You know, I'm not unkind
When I say, in the future the past is just the past
No going back
No change of heart
But this is now
Time will not defer

My thoughts betray, so easily confess
How long I'll wait here, after you have gone
Nothing ends, but I don't believe that now
Please don't walk away from here

And when alone, when I remember days
Nothing will change a single fact of who you were to me
Oh come what may, forever to the end
I find it so hard to let you go

And hush now
Let it go now
There's no need for sad goodbyes
Hush now
Let it go now
I know, it's time to go
Time to let this fall from my hands.


le 11-10-2011 00:14




Même si le monde disparaissait

La lumière serait toujours présente


Mon monde à moi n'est plus parmis ces ruines

Il est là-bas.. Devant moi.. Avec eux! 



le 15-09-2011 20:38

VNV Nation ~ Epicentre

I asked myself "was I content,"
with the world that I once cherished?
did it bring me to this darkened place
to comtemplate my perfect future
I will not stand nor utter words against 
this tide of hate
losing site of what and who I was again

I'm so sorry if these seething words I say 
impress on you 
that I've become the anathema of my soul

I can't say that your losing me
I always tried to keep myself tied to this world 
but I know where this is leading me
no tears
no sympathy 

I can't say that your losing me 
but I must be that which I am 
though I know where this could take me
no tears
no sympathy 

facing conflict deep inside myself 
but here confined 
losing control of what I could not change

I ask you "Please don't worry,"
not for me
don't turn your back
don't turn away  


le 14-09-2011 15:56





Malgré tout la nostalgie m'effleure

Et cette illusion maintenant disparue me manque

Suis-je réellement un monstre...

Ou bien ai-je simplement eu tort d'osé rêver? 



le 13-09-2011 22:15

We Are The Ocean ~ Nothing good has happened yet

Let me in from the rain, don't you let me go again.
Let the water run down my face.

So they say, so they say.
I'm gonna take this, I'm gonna take this to the top, I'll kiss the air
Don't waste your breathe and just stay away.

Well ok, I guess nothing good has happened yet,
Well I pray, that I'll be alright.

Let me in from the rain, don't you let me go again.
Let the water run down my face.

You are so cold, [Well I'm so alone].
You are so cold, [Just let me in].

You are so cold, [Well I'm so alone].
You are so cold, [Just let me in].

Well ok, I guess nothing good has happened yet,
Well I pray, that I'll be alright.

You are so cold, [Well I'm so alone].
You are so cold, [Just let me in].

You are so cold, [Well I'm so alone].
You are so cold, [Just let me in].

[Well just let me go].
[Well just let me go].
[Just let me go].
[Just let me go].
[Just let me go].

So they say, so they say.
I'm gonna take this, [Well just let me go] I'm gonna take this to the top, I'll kiss the air
Don't waste your breathe and just stay away.


le 05-09-2011 12:14

Adieu mon ami


le 28-08-2011 15:44

Hooverphonic ~ Eden

Did you ever think of me
As your best friend

Did I ever think of you
I’m not complaining

I never tried to feel
I never tried to feel this vibration
I never tried to reach
I never tried to reach your Eden

Did I ever think of you
As my enemy

Did you ever think of me
I’m complaining

I never tried to feel
I never tried to feel this vibration
I never tried to reach
I never tried to reach your Eden


le 12-08-2011 09:22

Scott Pilgrim vs The World





Synopsis :


Scott Pilgrim n’a jamais eu de problème à trouver une petite amie, mais s’en débarrasser s’avère plus compliqué. Entre celle qui lui a brisé le cœur – et qui est de retour en ville – et l’adolescente qui lui sert de distraction au moment où Ramona entre dans sa vie - en rollers - l’amour n’a jamais été chose facile. Il va cependant vite réaliser que le nouvel objet de son affection traîne les plus singulières casseroles jamais rencontrées : une infâme ligue d’ex qui contrôlent sa vie amoureuse et sont prêts à tout pour éliminer son nouveau prétendant. À mesure que Scott se rapproche de Ramona, il est confronté à une palette grandissante d’individus patibulaires qui peuplent le passé de sa dulcinée : du mesquin skateur à la rock star végétalienne en passant par une affreuse paire de jumeaux. Et s’il espère séduire l’amour de sa vie, il doit triompher de chacun d’eux avant que la partie soit bel et bien « over ».



le 11-08-2011 10:08







Synopsis :


Dans le monde futuriste de Tezuka, la société voit les êtres humains partager leur vie quotidienne avec des robots qui leur ressemblent étrangement. Ces robots vivent, pensent, agissent, vont a l'école, font des enquêtes, sont secrétaires, chauffeurs de taxi... Un code de lois régit la vie des robots comme le fait qu'il leur est interdit de tuer le moindre être humain.

L'inspecteur Gesicht d'Europol est un robot fatigué et déprimé qui se voit confier une nouvelle enquête : découvrir qui, et pourquoi, assassine l'un après l'autre les robots les plus puissants de la planète... Chaque corps (robots ou humain) se retrouve avec des cornes plantés dans le crâne par le meurtrier.

Les victimes ont pour point commun d'avoir été des vétérans de la 39e guerre d'Asie mais tous ont maintenant une nouvelle vie plus calme et rangée, comme Mont Blanc, la première victime, qui était devenu garde forestier.

En dépit du fait qu'il n'est pas le héros, Astro, le personnage principal de l'ancienne version de l'histoire, est présent comme personnage récurrent dans cette adaptation.



le 11-08-2011 10:02

Deadman Wonderland





Synopsis :


Ganta, un collégien, est accusé d'avoir tué ses camarades de classe. Il est alors envoyé à la prison de Deadman Wonderland. Il découvre là-bas qu'il a en lui un étrange pouvoir et il compte bien s'en servir pour anéantir "l'homme en rouge", véritable coupable du massacre de ses amis! 




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